Monday, December 10, 2007

Do My Ladies Think Alike?

She must be in bed by now but I feel like calling her. It is half past midnight. Who calls people at such an odd hour?

“I am failing to sleep. Can’t stop thinking about you.” Read my text message to her.

Sure enough she replied. “Ha, ha, ha. I thought its Ruby you think about all the time. Anyway, good night.”

“You know it is you I love.” Read another.

“Oh, well. We’ve been through this before, Chris.” She replied.

“Goodnight, Sam.”

“Goodnight, Chris. I hope you are not angry. I still value your friendship, you know.”

Just then, a strange thing happened. I received an identical message word for word but this time it was from Ruby and yet she has never met Sam.

I freaked out.